Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

Download Lovers and LiarsBy Josephine Cox

Download Lovers and LiarsBy Josephine Cox

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Lovers and LiarsBy Josephine Cox

Lovers and LiarsBy Josephine Cox

Lovers and LiarsBy Josephine Cox

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Lovers and LiarsBy Josephine Cox

Their love was as young and hopeful as the new century ...

Emily Ramsden knows that her feelings for John Hanley go far beyond teenage infatuation. It is love, pure, strong, and as glorious as the surrounding English countryside, and John shares her passion with all his heart. But soon the young man Emmie adores is violently driven from her, leaving her to struggle beneath the thumb of a brutal, domineering father ... and at the mercy of a man with dark ambitions.

Yet, through years of heartbreak and pain, through the crushing trials of a life left in tatters, the memory of a promise will never fade from Emmie's mind. And when all hope seems withered and dead, one word reignites a long smoldering ember, sending a determined woman off on a remarkable search for a once-in-a-lifetime love lost but never forgotten.

  • Sales Rank: #3728339 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-02-05
  • Released on: 2013-02-05
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Praise for Josephine Cox: 'Cox's talent as a storyteller never lets you escape the spell' Daily Mail 'Impossible to resist' Woman's Realm 'Driven and passionate' Sunday Times 'Irresistible storytelling' Books magazine

About the Author
Josephine Cox was born in Blackburn, one of ten children. At the age of sixteen, Josephine met and married her husband Ken, and had two sons. When the boys started school, she decided to go to college and eventually gained a place at Cambridge University. She was unable to take this up as it would have meant living away from home, but she went into teaching -- and started to write her first full-length novel. She won the 'Superwoman of Great Britain' Award, for which her family had secretly entered her, at the same time as her novel was accepted for publication.

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